Sunday, August 16, 2009

Day out with you.

Yesterday really enjoyed myself with you. Although you made me disappointed but it's okay. Understand you got work to do. So, meet my dear at his station, YCK. After that head down to lakeside and we took bus 98M and alight outside McDonald, dear get double Fillet-O-Fish and he really want that shaker fries.My cute boy. Walked to KFC to get my lunch and off we go to my place. A little disppointed about the Adobe but never mind, hopefully I will get the serial no. this Wednesday. So, we watched Hairspray and my boy seems to enjoy watching. After that we head down to HarbourFront, took bus 30 all the way down and meet my gf. Do some grocery shopping for our picnic. Enjoyed my time with you and my gf (XiaoChen). Like you say, we shall go alone next time. =)

Oh dear, i miss you so much. You always make me happy/sad/tears etc.. and all i have to say is, Thank you.=) I don't want us to be apart. Always want you to be by my side and guide me along in this crazy world. Really enjoyed my time with you every moment we spend. We had our first *** yesterday, i do enjoyed it but I worried about you too. Kept asking 'You okay?' because i don't want you to get hurt/pain. I care about you dear. =)

Okay, i can't type anymore. My head hurts. Ouch~ Need you to massage me dear.=)
I love you with all my heart and want you no others by your dearest Kai.

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