Thursday, August 13, 2009

AMK west park.

Finally, my turn to post after 4 days. Yesterday met up with mr meowmeow at AMK. I was late again when i was suppose to fetch him :X Sorry dear to always keep you waiting and waiting. After we met up we headed to buy some bias tape from one of the shops which one of my friends butched but oh well, shall not get pissed like what my dear says. After that we headed to the park beside Mac where we sat and just enjoyed the serenity of the park while munching on chicken pie and apples. Yum yum.
After that we headed to Banquet?? for dinner and my dear's banmian's egg was not cooked properly :X no wonder that's why he got a tummyache. After that we headed to AMK park, the one behind the mrt station and we sat for a while before we headed our seperate ways home.

Dear, please don't say what you said just now ever again if not i think even if it hurts, i may walk away from you.
*what's the point of having a boyfriend when he thinks that i will be promiscuious and slutty and go round sleeping with other guys behind his back. haii....It is really sad to think that you can say such things as though you do not trust me...... Oh well.

Always your dear Moomoo. Unless you don't want me anymore....

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