Sunday, August 30, 2009

Moomoo, i miss you.

I missing you dear. Always, by your side, everytime. Will always miss you and love you. Don't wish to be apart. Can't wait to see you. Lets finish our work and meet up very soon.=)
But am going miss you when you off to overseas but i can handle it, i guess.

Missing you by your dearest Kai.

Picture taken by Joanna,
at Marina Square Food Court(cock). Edited.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

meowkai missing mooben.

Dear, last night was really enjoyable for me because 2days(Saturday&Sunday) without you is just so weird. I know, we talked on the phone but talking on the phone and seeing you is way different. Missing you so much now.

You going be busy this weekends and next week. Don't really know what will/gonna happen. Maybe we should take, a little break from seeing each other and hands on our work. Don't want our assignment hanging behind and forget about them. I know we can't, as we need to hand in them.

Dear, i just want to say i miss you to much right now. Always thinking of you all the time. Thank you for being there for me. I have changed, because of you. Let me release what am i doing now. How i wish i can see you everyday, be on my side always.

Okay, i need to do my assignment now. Dear, I love you/missing you all the time. Take care.hugs you!! by your dearest Kai.

Sunday, August 23, 2009


The weekend was weird to say the least for us right dear? With Friday, then Sat and of course today. My PMS is officially over :X

Dear, i never want us to be how we were like on Friday, to get angry/disappopinted/upset with each other and at the end we end up hurting ourselves because we feel all crappy inside. I love you and i want to take care of you. Am sorry for now and for any times in the future if i make you disappointed/upset or angry. Shall change my bad habits for my dear since you are changing yourself for me too.

Love you dear! Even though it is the fasting month we will figure something out. It might be a good opportunity also since we can just enjoy the simplicity.

From you dearest ben who loves you and cares for you always. hug you tightly and never letting you go, letting you feel safe and secure in my arms...

Saturday, August 22, 2009


Yesterday is just a horrible day for us. Emotion all over us. I don't wish this to happened again. As WE need each other always and on. Is just hurt to see each other getting disappointed, upset, unhappy etc.. I want us to be happy always and be there for each other. I always looking forward to see you, dear. If only i can see you every single day or whenever i open my eyes, I'll see you next to me. Dear, i love you and i miss you so much everyday. Don't want you to leave me, just want you to hold my hand tight and continue our journey together.

Want to see you, soon. by your dearest Kai.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Our 1 month journey

It has been 1 month since we settled down and got together as partners and dear, i do not regret a sec of it. It is the greatest thing to know you, to find someone who cares for me so much and who only wants the best for me and for us. I don't know what the journey ahead is going to give us but we will get through it hand in hand and we will settle all problems we have together. We will share everything, sadness, happiness, our problems etc.

Just want you to know that i love you so much and like i said, i have never loved anymore this much before. Thank you for letting me feel how it is like to be loved too dear. All i want to do is be by your side everyday to watch you grow and to help you along the way in anyway that i can. Can't wait to discover more and experience new things with you...

By your dearest dear who always loves you, ben, romeo, moomoo, mojojojo, baby
hugs and kisses dear.

1month Anniversary, Dear.

Dear, I can't sleep and i decided to post something about how we spend our time on our first anniversary.
Started with, meet up my dear for dinner and he really look tired/shagged. My tired/hard working boy. Walk him to his campus and off i go do my stuff.(Not going tell you what i did.) Off to the library to do/get some idea for my project and try to kill my time. Dear ended his class kind of early, got shocked when i saw him walk out from the door because i didn't read your message. Oops~ but am happy to see you.=) So we walked to 7-eleven to get something, my dear was hungry and want to get something to munch munch. After that we off to FortCanningPark there? but not really FortCanningPark, is behind National Museum. So ya.. Sit there and spend our lovely 1month anniversary. Surprise dear with Brownie and wrote 'Happy First 18th, Moo2, Meow2'. =) Took few picture of it and we start to dig in, munchmunch. Around 11++ we start to move and head home. Oh ya! Not forgotten, gave each other a love bite. Is not pain like before..

Dear, am so happy to know/have you and not regretting. You are the only one whom understand me and really care about me. I want to watch you grow and always be by my side. Things not going to stop us, because we will sort things out and not keep secret from each other. Will shared everything. =) I want to love you every single day, without you i feel incomplete. Is like sugar, spice and if you dont put everything nice, you wont get a powerpuff girls. You my everything dear. Want to love you always and miss you all the time.

Okay, i should get sleeping now. Is so late already.VERY LATE. Love you dear. Am happy to be with you, don't stop the journey/our love story, now. Will keep on continue..Pagers after pagers. Miles after miles. by your dearest Kai, Juliet, Meowmeow, dear.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Day out with you.

Yesterday really enjoyed myself with you. Although you made me disappointed but it's okay. Understand you got work to do. So, meet my dear at his station, YCK. After that head down to lakeside and we took bus 98M and alight outside McDonald, dear get double Fillet-O-Fish and he really want that shaker fries.My cute boy. Walked to KFC to get my lunch and off we go to my place. A little disppointed about the Adobe but never mind, hopefully I will get the serial no. this Wednesday. So, we watched Hairspray and my boy seems to enjoy watching. After that we head down to HarbourFront, took bus 30 all the way down and meet my gf. Do some grocery shopping for our picnic. Enjoyed my time with you and my gf (XiaoChen). Like you say, we shall go alone next time. =)

Oh dear, i miss you so much. You always make me happy/sad/tears etc.. and all i have to say is, Thank you.=) I don't want us to be apart. Always want you to be by my side and guide me along in this crazy world. Really enjoyed my time with you every moment we spend. We had our first *** yesterday, i do enjoyed it but I worried about you too. Kept asking 'You okay?' because i don't want you to get hurt/pain. I care about you dear. =)

Okay, i can't type anymore. My head hurts. Ouch~ Need you to massage me dear.=)
I love you with all my heart and want you no others by your dearest Kai.

Long lazy Saturday

Shall do a quick post before i head off to do more work dear.

Yesterday after my dear was done with band, he came over to fetch me at YCK when actually i was suppose to fetch him at Tenah Merah :/ feel bad that you were upset because i did not... After that, off to his place but on the way we got some munchmunch, KFC and Mac. We watched hairspray over on my dear's lappy and we tried to kiss and be close but not too close for the door was open and his parents might see us. Lol, and the shocking remark by your mama when we were about to leave. Do you think she suspects or knows?? :X
Off to Vivo to meet your gf via bus 30 after that. Playing around at the back with my dear and the guy who was sleeping on the other side. Maybe he saw? I don't know cause i do not care, have my dear and that is all i know:)After that we bought some things from Giant before heading to Sentosa on the monorail. Thankfully it did not rain and everything was just right.

Dear, i really enjoyed every moment i had with you yesterday, star gazing with you, watching the fireworks, showering with you and of course, out first ****. Ops:X My hole still feels a little weird but it is okay because i love you and i don't mind whatever you do to me and i enjoyed our first time. Love you so much dear! Sorry if i hurt you. WIll be slow and gentle next time. Kiss your hole. MUACKS!

Need to go do my stuff now. ALways loving you and missing you, your dearest benben:)

Friday, August 14, 2009

Our Journey.

It has been almost a month journeying with you and it is the greatest one month of my life. You know that i always love you and i will always care and take care of you. I can't wait for more times to spend with you and i always look forward to seeing you and hearing from you. With you around nothing can bother me, not even my illness. With you around i feel safe, secured and happy. You keep me safe in a crazy world. I love you and i will never give you up for anything in this world. I love you and i miss you so so much. you always bring a smile and sunshine to my life. Thanks meowmeow.

Love always by your dear moomoo, romeo, boy, ben. Muacks

Thursday, August 13, 2009

AMK west park.

Finally, my turn to post after 4 days. Yesterday met up with mr meowmeow at AMK. I was late again when i was suppose to fetch him :X Sorry dear to always keep you waiting and waiting. After we met up we headed to buy some bias tape from one of the shops which one of my friends butched but oh well, shall not get pissed like what my dear says. After that we headed to the park beside Mac where we sat and just enjoyed the serenity of the park while munching on chicken pie and apples. Yum yum.
After that we headed to Banquet?? for dinner and my dear's banmian's egg was not cooked properly :X no wonder that's why he got a tummyache. After that we headed to AMK park, the one behind the mrt station and we sat for a while before we headed our seperate ways home.

Dear, please don't say what you said just now ever again if not i think even if it hurts, i may walk away from you.
*what's the point of having a boyfriend when he thinks that i will be promiscuious and slutty and go round sleeping with other guys behind his back. haii....It is really sad to think that you can say such things as though you do not trust me...... Oh well.

Always your dear Moomoo. Unless you don't want me anymore....

Days with you.

It's been a wonderful, magical, journey and indescribable happening to me when I'm with you. Am really happy when I'm with you, so sorry if I say something that I not suppose to say. Am really sorry, because I want to know how much you care about me and love me. Want to treasure every single moment with you. Love the way you smile and love the way you adore me. I miss you badly dear. Am sure you understand how I feel. With or without you around me, I'll still miss you. Always happy when i received your message and always looking forward to see you.

Dear, i wish you were here. I'll keep waiting for you like I always do. Please don't keep me waiting. miss you.
Take care by your dearest Kai. meow-ing for you.(where are you? =( )

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Marina Barrage

Today met my dear at Plaza Sing, Spotlight after that we head down to carrefour to do some grocery shopping and off we go to Marina Barrage. It was my dear first time there, right? =) On the way to Marina Barrage, a group of people just gossip about us. They are so irritating but we don't care. Right dear? =) So, reached MB and we're lucky to get place to settle down. Start eating and stuff. Watched the sunset. We gave each other lots of love bite again. My dear always get abused from me, but he get his revenge. We saw the moon! Okay, on and on..We make a move around 9++ and take redline with dear. Dear, thanks for leading me your Itouch. Really keep me accompany and you're so cute! Listening to powerpuff girls song.

I didn't want to fall asleep because I want to be by your side, if i alseep..I don't know what might happened to you. Don't want to lose you. I want to hold your hand always. Okay, am really tired. I shall stop here.

Dear, take care and sleep well. Love you & miss you by your dearest Kai.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

AngMoKio Park.

Met up with my dear after school because he came down to fetch me:) We took 857 which took almost forever to get to Yishun before changing to 812E to Pauline's place for my haircut. Pretty alright i guess, similar to those she cut for me a few months back but i might be lazy to style it the way she did :X My dear was getting sleepy and hungry while waiting. there there, rub your tummy:)

After that headed to Subway at AMK Hub to satisfy my dear's and my craving. Had Turkey tehteh. Haha. Off to the nearby park we went, with our wangwang/binbin in hand. Munch munch, addictive....We sat and enjoyed the moon rising while munching somemore on snacks and apple. Fed my dear with my mouth and he fed me wangwang. Am a happy boy! revenge of the animal in us. Meowmeow gave me a few love bites, with the special heart shaped one(Love it dear and i love you too!) and moomoo gave him a smiley face. I think it is cute??

After that somethings happened but we settled it and off to head home. My poor dear had to walk again because he missed the last train to lakeside. Sorry dear!! Next time we have to leave early. We must!

Waiting for you to finish your shower now. Want you to know that i love you no matter what your past is. And i will stand by this. I want you to be by my side and i want you to know that i got all worked up because i care and love you. I love you dear, want to be with you forever. Muacks.

Your dearest Ben is missing and love you...

- - -

Dear, i am so sorry that i bring something up that not suppose to say. I will never want to talk about my past, I hate it? Somehow..Now, i got you and i don't wish to be away from you. I want to love you every single day and i really need you. You are part of me now. To tell you the truth, I never felt like this before. Loving you always make me happy and make me so lucky to have you. Don't want anything to happen inside the train, because really hurt me inside and feel like I'm losing you. I don't want/wish this to happened again. So sorry to make you tears too dear. I love you..

Missing my Ben badly. Love him always. by your dearest Kai.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Fort Canning Park, again.

My dear dear is sleeping now. Try to update it quick and head to bed. Yesterday meet my dear Ben at the library and had dinner with him and his friend, Ain. Am I right? She so cute, funny and dirty. Haha, she's friendly. =) After dinner, me and my ben walked to FortCanningPark to spend time with each other. We didn't bite each other, just kissing, hugs etc.. My dear dear make me horny! and of course I will make him horny too.! After that off we go to SMU toilet and do some stuff, wankywanky! Love you dear. After wanky head home. My dear is so so so tired after wanky. =)

I miss him so much, if only I can sleep by your side. Although we meet up everyday? I still miss you, evenwhen I am around you. I MISS YOU DEAR! I wish night could be a little longer.

Rest/sleep well. Loving you every single day. By your dearest Kai.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Fort Canning Park with you.

Oh my! I am so happy to have you as dear/BF!. Feels like am the luckiest person to have you. Jump for joy! (Jump and i be tall! =X ) Okay, i don't know what to type. Firstly, WE off to Ion! Really nothing much there after that we had our dinner. Sit beside my dear! After dinner we head down to Orchard Central and my sweet dearly dear want to go to Fort Canning Part. So! We walked all the way there. We found a new spot, which we see the stars and the bight, beautiful, lovely moon. Really had fun with my dear, bite, kissing etc.. Both of us were horny but we didn't do anything really dirty. Around 11? We started moving and head home. Okay, i think i will end here. Am really tired. Sorry, I know you understand dear.

Dear, I never love somebody like this before and spending time together out-door and doing things that we're not suppose to do. I love being around you and my dear have this cute smile that always make me want to hug him tight. We will not stop our journey!

Goodnight, Sleep well, Take care, Love you always dear.
I want to be by your side all the time. by your dearest kai.

My poor dear get bite from naughty kai. Love bite!

Fort Canning

Finally am able to "fetch" my dear from school. :) After that we headed to the Ion at Orchard, a first for both of us. Am we wanted to see some shops but they were not opened like my dear's Giorgio Armani. My dear boy boy is a Armani lover. After that we headed to Orchard central and then to Fort Canning.
Dear, it was an unforgettable experience/time with you at Fort Canning. I can't stop loving you more and more each time/day i see you...
Love bite galore at Fort Canning. Got 5 bites and my Kai got 5 too. Haha. It was a tiring and eventful night with so much things happening. I finally saw my dear's *****face and he saw mine. :X I want my dear to know that i love everything about him and i love everything from him:)
I don't mind trading everything just to spend time like last night with my dear. Want to watch him grow everyday in my arms and i want to kiss you and hug you and never let go. I love you Kai!
Can't wait to see you again and to spend my time with you. If only time was not limited to just 24 hrs a day....
Missing you already. By your dearest moomoo, Ben.

Fort Canning

The bright full moon

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Love bite.

Dear, I just got home and you are sleeping now. My tired boy. Oh well, yesterday meet my dear for dinner and after that he off to his class and I off to the library to do some research and reading. Around 8.30 packed my stuff and walked to Plaza Sing to get Tracing paper that cost me $4. After the off to Campus 1 wait for my dear like half hour? 1 hour? I don't know. After his class, off to Fort Canning Park to spend time together. Love bite all over him because I LOVE YOU DEAR! =) Around 11+? Off we go.. I think i will end here..

Sleep well, Goodnight, love you. By your dearest Kai.
See you later, off we go Ion.

No one at fault.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Recalling our first post

Let me try to recall what our first post was:)

Title: MacDonalds

Yay! Our first blog and our first post! Enjoyed my time with my dear, daring each other to eat our french fries and kiss each other in public!! My boy is feeling hungry:) Close your mouth with my hands! Don't care what others think, not even my friends or my lecturer!! Because we love each other and we will take care of each other and will watch each other grow, big and strong...

Loved and missed by your dearest benben, moomoo, romeo:)

Muacks little kitty!

Our first post is gone!

Oh my! Our first post is gone! Thanks a lot McDonald wireless. We did save it, but when I got home and try to continue update, the post is GONE! I should not curse, my dear(ben) will not be happy because he don't like to be vulgar. Smile! Okay, love spending my time with my dear. We shared almost ALL our stuff together and I think is a best way to to work things out. Okay! I don't really know what to type. So tired.

Love you & miss you by your dearest Kai.
See you this coming Wednesday.

Our FIRST picture together.