Monday, October 19, 2009

Our 3rd

Am the first to blog after so long. So much has happened. Both good and bad, tears and laughter.

Dear, i am sorry for what happened. I know i should not have shoot at you but you know how i dont like to be accused when the person accusing me does not know the situation. Am sorry that i keep breaking my promises and did not live up to your expectations. It is difficult at times, espeically when i just want to do nothing when i meet you yet we have to worry. I will try my best to change. And i hope you too will work hard. It was quite saddening when you said you did not feel like crying after what happened yesterday. It made me feel like our relationship was not that important to you. Whatever it is, i will never give up on you or leave you. I love you dear. I hope that things will go smoothly and i will try my best to be understanding and not to blast out and vent my anger on you.

Lastly, Happy 3rd Month dear. I love you
from you dearest ben.

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